about us

Nice to meet you

I hope you enjoyed reading the posts and comments.  A lot of time and effort has been logged in bringing everyone a pleasant reading experience.  Please drop me a line if you’d like to contribute to the archives of this site.

I also hope that you enjoyed the photos posted here.  Over 100 years of photos will be available on this site in its final form.  If you have anything you’d like to add, please let me know.  I would be only too happy to include more family photos here for everyone to enjoy.  The more photos we all share, the more complete and robust the memories left behind will be.

upcoming projects

We’re aiming to include an extensive family photo repository through this hosting site or one of my own design.  

Cloud based photo backups are in work through Microsoft’s OneDrive and Google Drive.  Physical copies of photos are always wonderful to have, but in order to preserve the images we have, I’ll be backing up my photos in the cloud. 

Blog posts will be coming once a week.  The frequency will increase in proportion with readers demands.